Saturday, December 13, 2025

How it Works:
Affordable Christmas empowers low-income families with the opportunity to purchase gifts at an affordable cost.
The purpose is to affirm the dignity of parents by providing a way for parents to choose gifts for their
children and purchase the gifts at an affordable cost.

We collect new toys, which we then price at roughly 1/10th of the original retail value.
Families will be screened to participate by our partnering Southaven elementary schools:
 Hope Sullivan Elementary, Southaven Elementary,  Greenbrook Elementary, and Southaven Intermediate.

Affordable Christmas is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization

How you can help:

  • New, unopened toys and gifts (see below for list of gift ideas)
  • Monetary gifts that will be used to purchase gifts.
  • Host a toy drive at your workplace, church, community organization,

*** Note:  Donated toys should be $30-$40 in value as the goal is to provide a maximum number of families with opportunities for reasonably priced items rather than providing larger items for only 1-2 families.

Please drop off items at Trinity by December 1,  2025  
(or schedule a pick up)

  • Shopping assistants.
  • Set up team.
  • Wrapping team.
*** Contact Trinity for additional volunteer opportunities and scheduling.